This year's charity - MedServe Wales
The Tour de Galles is now entering its seventh year. With over 1,200 miles covered in that time, we will be continuing to add to that in June.
Donate at www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/tourdegalles19
As usual, although the camaraderie on the is well established, the purpose of the Tour is to raise money and awareness for charities in Wales. This year we are fundraising for Medserve Wales - who provide volunteer Immediate Care practitioners to support the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS & to assist and promote the efficiency of the Fire Service, the Police, Ambulance Service and other Emergency Services.
MEDSERVE Wales is a branch of the British Association of Immediate Care (BASICS) based in South Wales. Its members are all volunteers available to provide enhanced care at any time of day that they are called upon.
The members come from a variety of medical backgrounds, including consultants in anaesthesia, emergency medicine and pre-hosptial emergency medicine, speciality doctors, paramedics, nurses and advanced critical care practitioners.